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The architect Peter Zumthor believes architecture is similar to a first impression.(2) What does this mean and what evidence supports Zumthor’s feeling? An impression is “the first and immediate effect of an experience or perception upon the mind,” and also, “an image in the mind caused by something external.” (2) More specifically, a first impression, being a psychological concept, is a holistic phenomenon in which a composite of signals emitted by a new stimulus is imagined almost immediately.(3)...(more)
One of the things we take for granted is a place that’s called home. It serves a very important human need as it keeps us protected from the elements, but what happens to this basic need as it becomes an equation in a capitalism economy? In this time and day, we have a problem where the cost of living is increasing immensely, which may surpass inflation. Being a Californian I understand very well that rent is a significant portion of your income, often times more than half of your income. Marcus & Millichap predicted in 2015 that rent in Los Angeles will climb 4.8 percent overall, "more than doubling the rate of inflation" (Curbed)... (more)
To fully understand architectural education, it’s important to know where we think it falls short. These shortfalls are why all 13 of us made the conscious decision to take the Design+Make studio as our capstone studio at Kansas State University to finish off our five years of study.
Up to this point, we’ve all taken 7 different studios from 7 different professors and are currently on our 8th of both. On top of that, we’ve all either studied abroad and taken an additional studio or taken a semester away from campus for an internship. In those previous studios, we learned that architecture school isn’t really intended to be a full preparation for the field – think of it as an IKEA assembly manual. ... (more)