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In the academic world of Architecture there is a preconceived notion of what “studio culture” is. There seems to be an expectation that architecture students should live in studio. Pulling all-nighters is a regular activity. Should this be the expectation? I believe students can limit the amount of all-nighters while still completing a high level of work. A culture can still be formed in studio without as many late nights.
From the first time prospective high school students step foot into Seaton Hall at Kansas State University they... (more)

As a first time construction worker I realized I had little training as far as construction safety goes. True, many general safety requirements are common knowledge. But there are many regulations that are not. As a student going onto a construction site, it is a necessity to be properly informed about safety procedures. In this short blog post, I will discuss the three primary areas of jobsite safety concern.
PPE is “equipment worn to minimize exposure to serious workplace injuries and illnesses." Some of these items... (more)

When the Alma team began schematic design, we knew that the primary structure would be steel because of its efficient and cost effective benefits. We did not however anticipate the implications that we encountered because of our decision to use steel. In design school, it is easy to design with and use steel in a hypothetical project. We have never really been faced with what it actually means to use a certain material. Having an understanding of materials and their properties is paramount in understanding a project. One must consider implications such as production of a certain material, size of the space that parts will be fabricated and... (more)

In the debate between which is stronger in the design world, hand drafting or computer rendering, one can find many articles that support either side. Some say that hand drafting is a thing of the past and holds back the architect because it takes too long or can’t be easily altered. Some say that computer drafting is too rigid and doesn’t flow well. As a student I feel as if being pulled to either side by professors and peers alike. Computers make the entire process faster from concept to construction but drafting gives the project life and a sense of accomplishment... (more)

The Architecture industry is growing as a result of a growth in construction coinciding with advances in technology. There is a predicted 17.3 percent employment growth within the architecture profession in the next seven years according to US News. There also seems to be a general increase in public interest regarding design and architectural services, with books, magazines, and websites on design becoming more numerous and viewed in greater numbers. for example receives 1.7 million views per day. With this increased interest comes increased expectations from the public. In consideration of this increased attention and growth... (more)

For anyone who has the joy of knowing me it is immediately apparent that I have many phrases that I like to use on a regular basis. “Six to one, half a dozen of the other.” “Teach a man to fish” and “There’s no I in team.” However, there is one phrase that I often use to describe my role as communications director for Design+Make.
Last year I took a professional practice seminar, a requirement for my degree. Being a small class the course had the luxury of being informally set up. Twice a month we would sit around a conference... (more)