The Hand-Built...
Lanscape Architecture...
Advocating for Design...
The Importance of...
Architects Involvement...
Crafting Innovation
Environmental Conser...
Building with Fire...
A Local Construction...
Design in the Minds of...
Landscape of Change
The Customer is (Not)...
Architecture Courts the...
A Future Observing...
Project in the Prairie
The New Lineup
Computer Numerical...
Theory & Feasibility
Designing Never Stops
Telling Your Story
Social Media
Herding Cats: A Lesso...
What is a Designer's...
Digital Design_Hand D...
Understanding Materi...
All Night? All Right?
Construction Safety
Communicating in the...
A Future for Seaton Hall
Biophilic Design
2 Pavilions: Diverging...
The Value of Shop Dra...
Stretching the Mold
Sacred Space
What we can Learn...
Women in the "Making"
Failing Fast & Failing...
The Power of Mock...
The Next Chapter
Value Competiton
Design Intentions
Budgeting & Architec...
Building Relationships
Art with Plumbing
Having Your Own Pla...
Communicate Early...
The 7 Phases of Fab...
Art Intertwined with th...
Can You Please Every...
Building with Kultur
Studio Dynamic
Creative Power_Brain...
The Three Schedules...
Building New on Indig...
Women in Charge
A Sunday Afternoon in...
Designing in the Mod...
Thriving on Collaborati...
Looking at the Whole...
Studio Desk 101
Meet the Team
Making Competence
FAT: Flexible, Adapt...
Architect's Self Evalu...
Benefits of Design B...
The Truth in the Deta...
Studio Expansion: W...
design+make apprec...
Optimistic Continge...
Wood 101
Client Conversation:...
Great Expectations
The Future of Dry Fit...
Communication Brea...
Design Matters
Prototyping as a Tool
Expressive Diagraming
Blood, Sweat, and Provi...
A Departure From Fine ...
Facility Optimization as...
The Need for Quality C...
Macro / Micro
Taking a Public Interest
Conditional Making
Holding it Together
Keys to Graphic Commu...
This Program Has Been...
Expanded Partnerships...
Preserving Graduate Le...
Careful Consideration o...
Making the Switch
Pushing Back on the Be...
Girl Scout Camp Assesm...
Design + Make has embarked on a journey outside of the typical architecture student’s comfort zone. This journey involves limestone and a chisel, cedar and a forge, steel and a welder. Many architectural theorists have discussed the opportunities and benefits of a design-build concept; the involvement of the builder with the designer throughout the entire process. Christopher Alexander in particular is an advocate of this, and about bringing life and a personal touch into the built world through the re-integration of context from previous “living” parts and wholeness. His extreme view on how to build a living city are written in a way that discouts any other view, which could be taken harshly by some...(more)
Elevating architecture through design excellence. Architectural design excellence defined by the General Services Administration, an independent agency of the US government that helps manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies, is a “holistic environment that adds contemporary form and meaning to America’s rich legacy of public Architecture.” It is an advocacy for quality and value in the work. Buildings begin to take on a sense of delight and a pride of place when an architect and client pursue a level of quality throughout the design process. In architecture, design excellence is required to elevate the development of projects...(more)
How does one effectively teach the intricate details of the tallgrass prairie ecosystem to young students of elementary and middle school age? Our studio was tasked with creating a shade structure that could house a gathering space for educational talks and a permanent display of informational material. This material covers information on the grasses, insects, the prairie burns effects on the region, and the geological makeup of the earth. However upon study we determined that the initial scope of our proposed design would not create the desired effect of a lasting impression...(more)
Landscape architect Laurie Olin has written, “It is hard to think of any field that has accomplished so much for society with so few people and with so little understanding of its scope or ambitions.” The issue that landscape architecture faces is that it has long been constrained by an attachment to the picturesque. It has failed to attain the public profile of architecture or the fine arts. John Beardsley, author of A Word for Landscape Architecture, explains that this is because “built works of landscape architecture are not as readily identified and evaluated as paintings, sculptures, or buildings.” What the common man may interpret as a simple green space is in fact a complex ecosystem “bridging science and art, mediating between nature and culture.”...(more)